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【影片名称】:皮下之慌 (完整版) (中文字幕)
【影片又名】:肌膚之侵(台) / 皮囊之下 / UNDER THE SKIN
【語種發音】:英語發音. 簡體中文字幕.
【特 征 码】:012fce00787622890c5a8fc05f07c9c73889f9b5
【下载软件】:utorrent、Bitcomet 、迅雷
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【主演演員】:Scarlett Johansson / Jeremy McWilliams / Lynsey Taylor Mackay / Dougie McConnell / Kevin McAlinden / D. Meade / Andrew Gorman / Joe Szula / Krystof Hadek / Roy Armstrong / Alison Chand / Ben Mills / Oscar Mills / Lee Fanning / Paul Brannigan.
一個外星人(施嘉莉祖安遜 飾)借用美艷地球女子軀殼,駕車走遍蘇格蘭,一路上利用美色誘惑一個又一個男人,許多性慾高漲的強壯裸男,都成為她的獵物與食物......但在獵殺過程中,她卻逐漸產生了人類的良知與人性,漸漸意識到這副皮囊之下有她意想不到的複雜思想與情感......
電影《Under the Skin》(皮下之慌)改編自荷蘭著名作家 Michel Faber 同名小說,由《Sexy Beast》《Birth》英國導演 Jonathan Glazer 執導,作品向來以實驗風格和大膽作風見稱,今次大玩外星人科幻驚慄題材,以外星人的另類角度來看人類社會的自私貪婪,更找來荷里活性感女星 Scarlett Johansson 挑戰銀幕演出尺度。多本國際權威雜誌包括《The Guardian》、《Total Film》、《Time Out》、《The Times、《The Daily》、《Telegraph》的影評人都給予 5 星最高評價,並推舉為 2014 年最佳電影之一。
★70屆威尼斯電影節 金獅獎(提名) 喬納森·格雷澤
★57屆倫敦電影節 最佳影片(提名) 喬納森·格雷澤
★16屆英國獨立電影獎 最佳導演(提名) 喬納森·格雷澤
◎上映日期:2014-07-10(香港) 2014-03-14(英國)
◎女主角施嘉莉祖安遜(Scarlett Johansson)首次全裸演出.
◎2014 最佳性感美艷、科幻驚慄電影.
In Scotland, a motorcyclist retrieves a young woman's body from the side of a road and places her in the back of a van. In a featureless white void, a naked woman strips the woman and dons her clothes.
The woman drives the van around Scotland, picking up men on the street. She brings them to her apartment — a black, featureless void — where the men follow her into darkness and find themselves submerged in an abyss of liquid. Their bodies vanish, leaving empty skins behind, and their innards are sucked away into a distant red light.
At a beach, the woman attempts to pick up a male swimmer. He tries to save a drowning couple, but almost drowns himself. Ignoring the cries of the couple's infant son, the woman strikes the swimmer's head with a rock, drags him to the van, and drives away. The motorcyclist retrieves the male swimmer's belongings and ignores the child.
After the woman seduces a lonely, sexually inexperienced man with facial neurofibromatosis disfigurement, she allows him to escape and flees to the Scottish highlands. The motorcyclist intercepts the man and bundles him into a car, then sets out across Scotland in pursuit of the woman.
The woman goes to a restaurant and attempts to eat cake, but gags and spits it out. At a bus stop, she meets a man who brings her home, cooks her dinner, and gives her a room. She examines her naked body in a mirror. She visits a ruined castle with her companion and they kiss. At his house, they begin to make love, but she stops and apparently examines her vagina, alarmed.
Wandering in a forest, the woman takes shelter in a bothy. She is awakened by a commercial logger who attempts to rape her. After escaping his first attempt within the bothy, he catches her again in the forest. In the struggle, he tears skin from her back, revealing a black, featureless body beneath. While she is extricating herself from the superficial skin, the logger douses her in petrol and sets her on fire. Black smoke from the burning corpse lifts into the sky.